Your Personal Energy Barometer,
By Donna Daacke
Many years ago, when I was, let’s say much younger, there was a neighbor, and whenever I was in his presence, I would become very uncomfortable. Being very young and naive, I didn’t understand the signals my body was generating were energy signals trying to warn me of someone’s inappropriate intentions. Safely I was able to remove myself from that situation. If I received the same energy signal as an adult, I would likely take a defensive position because I now have an adult’s wisdom combined with the body’s reading of that energy. We all have experienced in one way or another an energy exchange that gives us a sense beforehand of what the mind may or may not necessarily interpret.
Energy follows thought, and those thoughts can project electromagnetic signals, and this is how we can quickly pick up something good or bad with someone or something even before their actions are realized.
We have all heard the term energy vampire, they’re not interested in your blood but rather your energy. Even unintentionally, they can extract your life force while leaving you drained and exhausted. We have all met them, sometimes oblivious to their extraction; they can even appear to be friendly while being overbearing. Once aware of their energy drain, you may have to cut them off entirely. At a minimum, you will have to create boundaries guarding your emotional capacity. On the other hand, there are those individuals that just make us feel good when we are around them; they exude a positive force that draws you in.
Ideally, there is a fair energy exchange between individuals. Learning to recognize when a relationship is out of balance gives us the power to navigate them appropriately. Being okay with saying no is not a bad thing. It brings harmony between giving and receiving.
Spaces also carry an energy residual; upon entry to specific locations, you can feel it. Residual is like recording an energy event or emotions contained within a place and can accumulate or compound additional energies. Maybe, on the other hand, you’ve entered into someone’s house and immediately felt right at home. Feng Shui, a Chinese traditional practice, claims to use energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment. Objects can also carry residual energy, especially jewelry with stones. Perhaps that’s why wearing grandma’s ring feels special and brings you closer to her.
Energy is exchanged through mind, body, and spirit. Our bodies are contained within what I refer to as our energetic spacesuit, the aura. It protects us from unnecessary energy leaks out into the world and keeps us safe from taking on too much excess energy from the world. It’s essential to keep our space suits in tip-top shape through things like visualizing it in perfect repair, nature walks alone, and staying out of high electromagnetic fields with our devices. Energy enters through thoughts; what we think about comes about. Like a magnet, energy attracts like energy. So good thoughts in most of the time, counteract the effects of the negative ones. Through spirit, energy is felt as an emotion. Emotion is energy in motion. Being aware of our feelings and how something or someone may contribute to these feelings and the emotions generated through thought is an essential part of energy maintenance.
Our intuition or sixth sense is like our being’s central intelligence system. When in touch with it, basically learning to pay attention to it can assist us in our survival. Energy is moving about all of our known and not so known senses all the time. Like our very own GPS, practicing a higher awareness of our energy body can be a powerful discernment tool.
Overall, awareness of how we manage our energy exchange can be vital. Choosing relationships and projects that feed our field (feel good) and positively support us can be beneficial. Also helpful is honoring the energetic GPS that gently guides us out of situations that may not be healthy or even safe. We will always pick up on unwanted energies that can cause us to operate at a lower frequency. Remembering energy is like a magnet attracting experiences in the world that match our energetic field. Paying attention and having a tool for shifting away from an undesirable state can be a good practice.
A quick and easy tool for daily maintenance or for when you feel the need to shift is this simple visualization.
Bringing yourself to a bit of stillness.
Focusing for a moment on the breath to create a shift.
Next, follow, starting at the base of your torso (root chakra), working your way up to the top of your head (crown chakra) to visualize the color while saying the affirmative phrase.
Red - I am Safe
Orange - I am Confident
Yellow - I am Brave
Green - I am Loved
Blue - I am peaceful
Indigo - I am Insightful
Violet - I am Sensitive
Sending You Love Vibes,
XO Donna
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