Clair Connection For Communication

As Spirit living a human experience, we’ve learned that our chosen and most proficient way of communication is by speaking a language of words. This way works, but I believe that when we rely only on the language of words, there’s the potential to miss the expanded support that comes from tuning into our developed senses. As little ones, we weren’t taught beyond the words and into the language of our higher senses. In communication, we are perhaps looking at body language, how someone uses inflection in their voice, the chosen words, making eye contact, or even how firm the handshake is. All systems are firing off when using these cues to interpret further what is being communicated. We have learned to be very cerebral when it comes to our communication.  

What if we could further take our language to a higher level by relying a bit more on our entire sensory system? After all, we have a brain in the gut, the heart, and the head that wants to guide us. We have been equipped with so much more “built-in human technology” than we have learned to trust. I believe our reluctant openness to this guidance is perhaps cultural or merely fear-based. For me, it’s been a practice of taming the ongoing chatter of the mind.

The word CLAIR is a French word meaning CLEAR, and when we think of extending our communication, we ideally would like a more precise understanding of what’s being communicated, kind of like tuning out the static. When we become curious about our extended senses, we can move into empowerment because now we’re getting somewhere. We can have this comforting sense of support from our personal guidance system and better communication with others, and a connection to what I call “All there is,” For me, that includes angels, personal spirit guides, passed loved ones, and the all-encompassing universal God. 

My work has expanded beyond my spa background as a result of experiencing my clearer sensing while working with spa clients. As an Esthetician, I would naturally touch my clients, and in the years of doing so, two of my Clair senses started to reveal themselves to me louder than the others. I would experience clairtangency and clairsentience, both very similar to two of my primary, higher senses. One is the clear sense of feelings through the body and the other gathering information through touch. Doctors and mothers use this all the time whether or not they are even aware; it’s trusting that gut. Its kind of like your antenna is set to pick up vibrational energy. You’ll also see psychics and mediums use the clairtangency when they touch the personal item of someone passed. What happens is that once you become aware of your dominant sense or senses, it’s like one leads the other and is soon enhanced. Once I recognized quite by surprise my heightened sense of gathering feelings and information through touch, I became open to the others as a means of further interpretation.

There are many Clairs; see if you identify with any of them.

Clairvoyance - Clear Seeing or sense of sight. This is probably the most recognized. You may see in your mind eyes, which makes it easier to think of it as imagination, but as you develop this, you learn to discern what’s of you or what’s for you.

Clairaudience - Clear hearing or sense of hearing. With clairaudience, you will perceive maybe a song that has a more significant meaning to you or phrases and words that register something specific to you.  

Claircognizance - Clear sense of knowing. This one is commonly experienced; you just know something. And for me, this one has probably become even more strongly developed and used by me now. It’s also allowed me to trust when I perceive through the other Clairs as a part of that discernment process.  

Clairsentience - Clear sense of feeling information through your body. You have a gut feeling about something. I will be able to sense how someone is feeling, energetically sensitive to things within another’s energy field. 

Clairtangency - Clear sense through touch detecting information through your hands, also called psychometry. Have you ever held an object in an antique store and had a specific impression or shook someone’s hand and got a sense of them.

Clairempathy - Clear sense of emotional feelings. So many are empathic, and that means our antenna is receiving knowledge through another’s emotions. Happy, sad, excited, angry, we are often tuning unknowingly into their radio frequency; this can be helpful and detrimental in that it can be draining if you're managing an energy leach. It can be useful to know if you have a higher sense of clairempahty because you can then learn to create boundaries.

Clairgustance - Clear sense of taste. This one you don’t hear of much but, maybe you get a taste of grandma’s sugar cookie, and it sends your thought directly to her.

Clairsalience - Clear sense of smell. Similar to clairgustance you may get the scent of your mom’s perfume.

I recently had someone ask me what it means when she is continuously smelling cigarette smoke, but she doesn’t smoke? I first asked her to be sure that it wasn’t coming in from anywhere outside, and she said nope. Then I asked her when she smelled it, was there anything that came into her mind, and she answered she always thought of her dad, who was a smoker throughout her childhood. Although she appreciated the idea that her dad was with her when she smelled it, she didn’t like the cigarette smell. So I suggested she say aloud or silently; however, she preferred that he give her a sign with a different scent. For her, clearly, she was becoming aware of her higher use of a dominant clairalience or more heightened sense of smell. Later the day, she went out for a walk and said to her dad, “Donna said it’s okay to ask you for a different sign to me as I don’t care for the cigarette smell”. Upon arriving back to her house, she said she walked in and had an overwhelming smell for the first time of their family beach house and the wood-burning, saying she would never have thought to choose that, but it is a very fond memory for her and a more pleasant scent.  

Like radio waves, information is being broadcast all around us. Learning how to tune in does require a bit of practice but is something all of us are already doing and can develop further. Our guidance is coming from within and outside of ourselves. Opening up to my full sensory system through my spa work led me to mind-body coaching. I now understand the value of utilizing my GPS to strengthen and cultivate how I want to live and support others for living their fullest. 

Try this for exploring your dominant Clair. Sitting quietly undisturbed for a few minutes, imagine you are extending your antenna, taking in the feelings and details of all that’s around you. Next, close your eyes and, taking a few breaths, notice the sound of something you heard or the sight of something you saw. Was there a smell or taste that you sensed? Pay attention to any perceptions you may get along with any feelings, gut senses, or knowing about something. Don’t worry if it feels like imagination; allow yourself to be present without judgment. I like to do another fun thing with my husband because he has a weird wife; lol; we hold objects that the other knows nothing about and share what perceptions we gain from holding the item. Mike’s a good sport because he entertains me, and whenever it’s his turn, he says, “I got nothing,” so clearly, his strong sense isn’t a clear sense through touch; he’s still working on it.

Communicate with all there is
XO Donna 

I would love to hear from you would like guidance on recognizing and developing further your higher senses

Building Heart Centered Personal Resilience A Six Week Group Worksop Series In January 2021

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