Tuning Into Intuition

Have you ever felt a friend or family member needed something and you check in to discover something is up? Or have you ever had a thought that said, I am going to call my mom and she calls you at that exact minute? Have you ever sensed you should make a left turn instead of right and avoided an impending incident? Can you think of a single time that your inner guidance led you in a way that was for your higher good? Is it impossible to consider that intuition has been gifted to us as a means of survival and as a tool offered in the pursuit of joy, health, and happiness? Just like our other five known senses, intuition offers amazing guidance if we can demystify it and begin to quantify our sixth sense opening up to identifying and understanding it beyond a place of fear. We all know that the human construct is amazingly intricate and that our senses are simply tools that allow us to connect to that sixth sense. If you use your nose to detect smoke, your sense of imminent action is engaged though that intuition. If you taste something that tastes off, your higher sense is saying don’t eat that because it’s not good for your body. Of course, you can at anytime override what your sense through this taste is telling you and who knows what that outcome may be! Your eyes aid you in making a judgment on whether to cross the road at a precise time or maybe waiting because you don’t want to get squished! Your senses are a tool meant to guide you further in discernment. Intuition may seem merely thought but think of those thoughts as simply being processed through yet another tool our brains in a way that is being processed through our relevant perspective for an understanding.

Practicing the connection to our guidance system starts first with opening up to putting aside any fear and considering it as something very natural and having a curiosity for tuning in. What does your heart say that your head says is impossible? Learning to listen to the heart your center of intuition and truly connecting with a feeling rather than following the thought about something is where the magic lays.

If your intuition were to offer you a guiding message at this very moment what would that be? Close your eyes, take in a few breathes, relaxing any tension in your body, focusing now on how the release of tension is feeling within your body. Coming out of your thoughts by tuning in to your body sensations. Becoming aware of any tingling, expanding, the warmth within your body. Utilizing a fuller awareness tune in into what comes up for you, and the feelings connected with that. Your brain a great tool but not the master will offer its assistance but stay connected to the feeling that accompanies whatever is coming up however small or great and write down whatever you get in a journal. The key to becoming more fluent with your connection is practicing this connection to all your senses regularly and you can do this by simply taking a few minutes to breathe. The breath is a vital component of a direct connection to the heart. It shifts us out of thinking and doing connecting us to that essential self.

Practice opening up to your authentic self and experience the joy and flow of tuning in to an intuitively guided life.

Live Fully,

XO DOnna

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The Storm


Time Is Currency