Creating Goals For Pivoting

Creating Goals For Pivoting

By, Donna Daacke

Did you know that research shows if we want to accomplish something, we’re more likely to achieve that goal when we tell a person, doing this creates accountability. But you don’t want to say to it to a person that you have a deep relationship with, such as a best friend or spouse, because they will forgive you more easily for not keeping your word. If you tell an acquaintance, you’re more motivated to prove to them that you mean what you say. Go figure!

As you are becoming more clear about your purpose in life and discovering how you want to live life, next, putting some focus on goal-setting makes you more capable of orienting your choices around your goals and being intentional in your life.

Start with a “Personal Manifesto” Who are you at your core?

Answer the following;

Who am I?

What do I believe?

How do I see myself?

Combining this manifesto with your mantra ( Created in Mindful Monday 7/13 ), you now have the groundwork for creating inspired actions.

Imagine What’s Next? Using the following as a guide or creating your own list, establish three action steps for each of the following areas that you want to work toward.

  1. I will create?

  2. I will learn?

  3. I will practice?

  4. I will release?

  5. I will make time for?

  6. I will surround myself with?

  7. I will invite these feelings into my life?

  8. I will experience?

  9. I will take good care of my physical health?

  10. I will make time to be alone, to read, and to nurture my growth?

Moving ahead.....Contrary to popular belief, it’s not hard to change habits. To change a pattern, you essentially have to create a new one. So whether replacing an old one or creating a new one, the process is the same. First, you must pick a small action and make that action easy enough for at least the first week because you’re trying to establish a conditioned response. Practice it 3-7 days in a row before your new habit is formed.

Intention - Attention - Action - Manifestation

Use your intuitive tools, and uncover the thing your soul has been longing to try, improve, change, or explore upon.  For the next week, be brave and do one new and scary thing each day as you move toward your goals.

Next Mindful Monday and last in this pivoting series, we will take a look at removing obstacles!

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, 

 but on building the new.”


Shoot For the moon,

XO Donna


Removing Obstacles For Pivoting


Pivoting With Heart Intelligence