HeartMath Mind-Body Coaching

Heart-Centered Resilience and Well-being

Let Me Help You Help Yourself!

Mind Body Heart

Working With Donna

At the heart of my coaching practice is the proven science of HeartMath. Through HeartMath’s powerful techniques, I guide you in building emotional resilience, managing stress, and creating greater inner balance. Together, we’ll explore how to align your heart’s intelligence with your mind and body, allowing you to face life’s challenges with calm, clarity, and confidence.

The HeartMath Institute is a world-renowned research and educational organization dedicated to helping individuals and organizations tap into the power of the heart’s intelligence. Through scientifically validated techniques and tools, HeartMath research reveals that the heart has its own form of intelligence, communicating with the brain and body through neural, hormonal, and energetic pathways. This heart intelligence plays a crucial role in regulating emotions, improving decision-making, and enhancing overall well-being. By tapping into heart coherence when the heart and brain are aligned you can access this intuitive wisdom to reduce stress, improve focus, and cultivate a deeper sense of balance and resilience.

  • Strengthen resilience and recover faster from stress

  • Access subconscious wisdom

  • Improve mental clarity, focus, and decision-making

  • Cultivate emotional balance and self-regulation

  • Enhance overall well-being and energy levels

  • Reduction of mental noise

In our sessions as your heart centered coach, I’ll tailor the HeartMath methods to your personal needs, providing ongoing support and feedback to ensure you gain the skills and confidence to transform your life. Let’s work together to harness the power of your heart’s intelligence and build resilience for a more fulfilling, balanced life. My HeartMath coaching is ideal for a wide range of clients, including adults, children, corporate professionals, athletes, and anyone seeking to enhance emotional resilience, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being through heart-brain coherence practices.

80./45 Min Individual Strategizing Session - Block Of Three/240.

The time I’ve spent with Donna has been nothing short of amazing. She is spiritually gifted and offers her gift to all that know her. She is a kind and compassionate healer who always goes that extra mile. Donna has assisted me in experiencing emotional healing through hypnosis sessions. I have always received incredible Reiki sessions as well as spiritual awakenings while working with Donna. Donna has helped me tremendously to practice awareness in my daily life and I am forever grateful for her loving spirit. Donna has such wisdom and offers valuable insight as a healer.
— NB