What Sparks Your Light

What Sparks Your Light?


“Let Nothing Dim The Light That Shines Within.”

Maya Angelou


Have you been waiting for the universe to give you the perfect sign of your soul’s purpose? Sometimes it can be stressful waiting for a sign of what this big purpose is. What if it never comes to me, or I don’t have a purpose, or I choose the wrong purpose?! I think an important part of the journey is surrendering the what-if and opening more to listening because the universe makes it’s very clear to us at times what that purpose/purposes are especially when we turn inward for it. 

Our Soul is always leading us into opportunities for shining our light. When we surrender and let go of the need to know, we create more space for discovery. When we step out of the way the light can flow leading us into illumination.

Ask yourself what do I think my soul’s purpose is? Then I will ask you, what do you lose yourself in because you love it so much? What would I do most of my day without being paid? Maybe you do this something for a living and maybe you don’t here lays only a teeny tiny difference. We tend to think of “our purpose” in terms of our occupation. You shine brightest when you take that love of something and combine it with a broader sense and knowledge of it and then you take it out to the world in service of others. This may be your occupation and it may not be what brings financial support, but it is the thing that sparks your light, and in that light, you shine the brightest. 

I have a friend that loves to bake. To her being a baker feels authentic, it brings her a creative joy and perhaps challenge at times. When this client recognizes it as more than just a fun past time and feels it as a passion she is inspired to learn further how to creatively bake beautiful cakes, and loves sharing that talent with friends and family. Upon rave reviews serving the people within her small circle, she found herself further inspired to study small business and acquired a business loan to set up her bakery. Now she successfully serves others from a passionate place, inspired to work hard, and realizes the joy in taking her beautiful creations out to the world, and guess what she gets paid to do so!! 

The person you long to be is already inside you. Do what your soul came here to do, be that person. If you long to be a poet, a fisherman, a grocery store worker, a singer, a doctor, a baker or an artist, whatever it is don’t wait for someone to validate that for you. Get busy exploring ways to live in that space more often and watch it bud. 

Ask yourself, what are ten things I love doing, make me feel joyful, enthusiastic, and inspired?

What are ten things that I am good at? 

Are there things that make both lists? Start somewhere and follow your passion, onto a trail of possibility and see where you land. Pay close attention to those things and don’t do those things as an end game but do them because it sparks your light, and follow where that leads you. 


Shine Your Light Brightly,

XO Donna

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