Getting Grounded

This photo was taken recently high above the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina and what a spectacular view it was. It was a pretty steep rock formation stair climbing hike to arrive at the top, but worth the beautiful solitude upon arrival. Recently I have been in a very productive mode that’s required a lot of time at the computer and headspace, so I appreciated this opportunity to welcome some true grounding. Having too much energy or focus directed into my upper chakras (headspace) will leave me feeling unsettled, and a bit anxious, but my body has become pretty reliable at letting me know I need to shift and rebalance starting with my basic survival chakra.  

Why is it necessary to create space for grounding? At the base of our spine and seven main chakras sits our root chakra. Forming a strong foundation for the rest of the chakras descending through the tailbone connecting us energetically into the earth, but also ascending upward sourcing the remaining 6. This chakra is light and a power generator that the additional 6 chakras rise from. So, optimally sourcing flow into the remaining 6 requires balancing and solid grounding at the base chakra. 

The root chakra strengthens the vital energy for our survival. The base root chakra allows us to connect with our bodies and their instinctual needs such as am I hungry, do I feel safe, am I tired, and need rest. An overcharged or undercharged unbalanced base chakra can manifest in a lack of security, fear, anxiousness, unsettledness, and basic survival. Feelings of contentment, safety, calm, and ease of being are related to balance in the base chakra. 

Commonly, each of the body’s 7 main chakras is associated with specific locations on the body. Providing energy to the underlying networks of glands and their nearby organs. Chakras are an energy system that communicates with the body via its biological systems, such as the endocrine, and nervous systems to keep it balanced and healthy.  The root chakra provides the link between our energetic system and the physical world, plugging us into the earth. The root chakra connects us to the spiritual energies of our ancestors. It is the most dense of the seven chakras and can be seen most of the time as the color red. Our root is our instinctual survivor center and is always accessing our primitive sensing of the world as the main energy center for fight or flight. Having a well-balanced base chakra as a starting point ushers in the flow of energy to the remaining chakra systems as it represents our foundation, our feeling of safety and security, and that our basic survival needs are being met. This balance brings strength to our structure allowing us to stand up to challenge and adversity. It gives us the motivation each day to get up and at it. It gives us our sense of purpose and belonging in the world. 

Bringing balance to our root chakra can be done by doing things that feel grounding and settling to us. Things such as taking a walk, walking barefoot, breathing fresh air, gardening, slowing down, swimming, anything that brings stability. I find that anything earth-related and nature brings me back to a solid place. Also meditation, reiki, sound, essential oils such as sandalwood, rosewood, rosemary, cedar, clove, and foods such as root veggies can be grounding.

Go get ya some grounding,
XO Donna

If you need some support for getting better grounded give me a shout!


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