Human-In-Nature Return To Your Roots
Do you love spending time in nature? For me, something so healing takes place every time I step outdoors. Many have their preferred natural setting, whether it be the mountains, the forest, the ocean, or a beautiful lake or stream. For me, it can be any of these things, but something magical happens when I am in the forest amongst the trees. Even if you don’t know why or have considered much your connection to nature, I hope you’ll find this an invitation to discover your true nature.
There’s something so expansive that happens when we leave a social or urban setting and return to our profoundly rooted human in nature. Life offers many distractions these days. When we take the time to return to nature we are creating an opportunity to be in our place of broader connection with God, Mother Earth, The Universe, or any name you choose to call it.
The Japanese have cultivated a concept called “Forest Bathing” which simply means to “bathe your senses in the forest” or to “take in the forest atmosphere” for me the forest is super regenerating. I feel the intense connective energy of the trees, moss, rock formation, streams, etc. A deep peace takes residence. The remedy of spending time in nature isn’t a new concept. As our lives have become so saturated with technology, we are again learning new ways to be intentional about that old way of managing stress and other health-related problems. However, you don’t have to be in the forest to realize your rooted connection to nature. The idea is to relax and recharge in any natural setting free of distraction and definitely without electronic devices. Like a meditation practice, you create a more profound sense of connection with energy/life. You can feel a more reliable connection to your intuitive nature, creating clarity and an overall sense of well-being.
The following are some helpful ways of being intentional about a commitment to connecting with nature.
1. Creating time in nature can be as simple as taking a timeout from your daily workspace. When you make a lunch break or bathroom break, include stepping outside for a few moments again without your phone and shift your focus. Taking in the fresh air, study the sky, feel the earth below your feet, allow yourself to become one at that moment with your environment.
2. Take a hike and get moving. Free of air-buds or other distractions, initiate your senses as you walk. Smelling the air and fragrances, noticing the critters, bugs, squirrels, etc. listen for the sounds of nature, birds, streams, the wind. Taste the honeysuckle or any other edibles along your path.
3. Take time out. Sitting down, notice what you’re drawn to, take in your surroundings, and become aware of the details and what that is. Are trees your thing or the rock or leaf formations, does the sound of a stream soothe you? What is it, find and rest in that space.
4. Hug a tree, no really hug a tree! The vibrational properties of trees and other plants offer excellent health benefits through increases of hormones such as oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine, making you feel happier. Also, notice how trees have their personality, so many trees even have faces……yep start noticing!
5. Talk to your self. You’re not crazy. In nature, you can feel completely in touch with yourself and can explore our innermost feelings.
6. Go for a treasure hunt. I have been a collector of stones, leaves, feathers, and driftwood, any wood really. My house and art are full of these nature collections. They surround me and ground me even when I can’t be outside in nature; nature abounds all around me inside too!
7. Go barefoot, yep, take your shoes off. There’s so much concrete in today’s world, and concrete doesn’t exist in nature. Earthing is something getting attention from scientists. The earth’s surface conducts energy, and we are energy beings, and that energy can be impacted by the many devices we utilize. Grounding or earthing is a discharge of built-up static electricity and heat wants to ground. When your body is without a barrier like shoes, carpet, or concrete, you’re earthing. Earthing/grounding is a natural mechanism for getting back to neutral.
8. Do a little soul stepping. Feeling a little sad or depressed, worried or anxious, feeling stuck and need some clarity? Take a few deep breathes, stating your intention for assistance in gaining clarity toward a resolve asking nature to work with you, begin walking comfortably, stating your intention for clarity. In the beginning, keeping your question in the forefront of your mind….pay attention to everything, what you see, what you feel, what you may hear. Nature will respond to your desire to connect and uses the language of symbolism. Keep track of the small signs of clouds, flowers, animals, weather, etc.… as they appear. Nothing is accidental. You are practicing direct communication with your consciousness.
Connecting with nature is a return to our roots. It surrounds us, guides us, can heal us, and provides for us. It is remembering that cultivating a connection to nature doesn’t have to be elaborate. Finding what that is or you is the key and getting started.
Embrace your human-nature! XO Donna