Anything Is Possible When You Put Your Mind To It

Have you ever wanted something so badly that you willed it into being? We could also call this determination, stick to-it-ness, or putting your mind to it. But what is the mind? Traditional science still can’t explain the mind or where it comes from. There’s an understanding of the brain as a tool of the physical body. Science can also show us how the immaterial mind can directly influence the physical body. Thoughts, the mind’s energy influences the physical brain (a tool), and the brain can control the physiology, all one big beautiful system.
The mind has interdependent subdivisions. The conscious mind in charge only 5% of the time from where our expression of soul, wishes, desires, and creativity comes from, and our habitual subconscious mind in charge 95% of the time is where instincts and learned experiences come from. Our lives are generally being conducted from those beliefs and behaviors that were acquired from our past experiences, family, teachers, and community. When those programmed responses aren’t serving us well, there are tools such as hypnosis, body-centered therapies, and other energy psychology modalities for disempowering outdated programming. Essentially changing an undesirable habit is unlearning the old baseline belief that created the habit instead of cruising full speed ahead on an outdated autopilot. With self awareness can create a new, more beneficial baseline belief. The cool part is that our conscious mind has access to most of the data stored in the subconscious mind and this important features allow us to consider our history of life when consciously planning our future. Anything is possible when you put your mind to it!

Suppose we take this understanding one step further and consider the impact of thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and perceptions on the physical body. In that case, science does tell us that biology does require our cells to follow instruction from the head honcho, the nervous system. The mind, via the central nervous system, overrides the body. Because science doesn’t yet fully understand the mind in Western medicine, the mind isn’t considered an acceptable biological concept. However, in the quantum mechanical universe, this logic has proven to be incorrect.
Consider the Placebo or “Belief Effect” or call it the “Perception Effect” Once there’s a realization that a drug is being taken for treatment, one starts to believe healing is possible.
Conversely, when the same mind is engaged in the negative suggestion of the “Nocebo Effect” such as a doctor saying you have six months to live, the belief can have a damaging effect. Our beliefs are like the lens on a camera changing up how we see the world. A positive mental attitude such as seeing the world through “rose colored lens” is a real thing, hurry put on your glasses!
Positive thinking enhances the immune system and can become a defense against dis-ease. Consider our stress response programmed in us for intermittent use designed to keep us safe and not being eaten by a grizzly bear; when taxed 24-7, stress hormones are over-flooding the body, and this can lead to mood disorders, and all of this has a negative impact on gene function, the mind-body connection.

All organisms, including humans, read their environment by gaging their energy fields. If you’ve ever been fearful in a dark alleyway, this is referred to as “destructive interference” within your energy system. Or maybe newly met someone that you immediately clicked with this is considered “constructive interference” within your energy system. “Energy follows thought” those thoughts generate emotion, and those emotions impact us physically.
Good mind-body hygiene with modalities such as what I like to call an “Energy Reboot” can offer many benefits for managing well being and life’s daily stressors. Complementary/Holistic therapies generally focus on the energetic aspect of our overall well-being and can indeed be a strong Aly in maintaining good health and happiness.

“Your beliefs become your thoughts
Your thoughts become your words
Your words become your actions
Your actions become your habits
Your habits become your values
Your values become your destiny”
-Mahatma Gandhi

For more on this topic, I highly recommend reading.
“The Biology Of Belief” By Doctor Bruce Lipton

Mind Over Matter Baby!
Stay Well,
Donna XO


Living Your Truth


High Vibes