Balancing Act

Mindful Monday

Balancing Act

By, Donna Daacke

We all know the importance of finding balance in our world right? Sometimes however the pressure in finding that balance inadvertently generates more anxiety. In the world of a heightened awareness being presented through social media, books and practices on all the many great things we can or should be doing sometimes the scale can tip in just the opposite direction.

We are fortunate to be having so many conversations, movements, practices, and modalities that serve to create awareness and opportunity for taking back some of our power in self-healing and mind-body self-care. I know though however, in the many conversations I am having it can all be a little overwhelming especially if we are putting more pressure on ourselves to be doing more of these things. We then become those humans DOING (even more) instead of becoming more of the human BEING.  

Along with having our basic needs met such as asking, am I hungry, tired, or lacking connection with others, I encourage you to pay attention to the proverbial cup half empty or half full. It’s not about how much of any of this we are practicing but, rather more about being aware of when I need it and having methods for shifting that feel good to me. When you’re in balance physically and emotionally you’re practicing good self-care. I encourage you to find a couple of simple things that help you shift back to center when you notice you’re cup is emptying out and for fun and curiosity consider opening up to exploring additional ways of self-care without pressure in doing any one thing but discovering what feels good and doable to me.

Only you know what brings that balance to your world, not all the books and programs in the world can make it happen if you’re not feeling it or if it creates further frustration about things you think you should be doing. But, even on the really bad day we simply assess, shift into change, and continue better with the rest of the day or not.

Tips For Practicing Your Balancing Act.

1. Honor your needs. If your hungry EAT, if you’re tired REST, If you need to talk call a FRIEND.

2. Allow time for play. All work and no play makes a uninspired, exhausted YOU.

3. Give yourself permission to fill your depleted cup. It’s okay to say NO. Know your limits and boundaries and honor them.

4. Do a drop into the present practice. Take breaks STOP throughout your day to look inward and see what is it that I need at this moment.

5. Be kind to yourself. We are all a work in progress. Become aware of any negative self-talk, fear, or pressure that you may be placing on your self.

6. Take some breaths. The air is free and amazingly healing.

7.  Soothing you’re worrier. Bring your thoughts to the very moment you’re in and ask yourself, am I safe, is a bear going to eat me!

8. Give yourself a giant hug, NO REALLY!

9. Close your eyes and observe where am I feeling anxious, frustrated angry or fearful and place your hands on the spot and intentionally direct some love energy to that area with your thoughts. It’s all connected!

10. Gift yourself occasionally with something that is truly a treat. A half a day to yourself, a walk, a friend break, a movie binge, a spa treatment, a long hot bath with a glass of wine. You think of something good, only you can determine what it is that brings you back to fullness!

Don’t fall off of the tightrope!

XO Donna


What A Difference A Week Makes


Mind - Body - Connection